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TopOkinawa TravelSightseeing Spots/Yaeyama Islands

※To see its movie, click on the name of the specific point.

Northern Okinawa Northcentral Okinawa Central Okinawa Southern Okinawa
Around Okinawa Main Island Miyako Islands Yaeyama Islands Okinawa Travel
To see its movie, click on the name of the specific point.
Go to Japanese page

※To enter its website, click on the name of the specific municipality.

Ishigaki Island (Ishigaki City)

Ishigaki Island (Ishigaki City)

Taketomi Island (Taketomi Town)

Taketomi Island (Taketomi Town)

※To see its movie, click on the name of the specific point.

To see its movie, click on the name of the specific point.
Go to Japanese page

※To enter its website, click on the name of the specific municipality.

Iriomote Island

Yonaguni Island
(Yonaguni Town)

Kohama Island

Hateruma Island

Kuro Island

Tojin-baka Tomb Yaeyama Palm Tree Community in Yonehara Yaeyama Palm Community in Yonehara Yaeyama Palm Tree Community in Yonehara Kabira Bay Kabira Bay Ishigaki Island Digest Miyara-dunchi Miyara-dunchi Asadoya Kuyama's Home Asadoya Kuyama's Home Taketomi Island Digest Taketomi Island Digest Kondoi Beach Kondoi Beach Tojin-baka Tomb Iriomote Island Hot Spring Iriomote Island Hot Spring Yonaguni Island Digest Yonaguni Island Digest Tachigami Rock Tachigami Rock Yonaguni Horse Yonaguni Horse Submarine Ruins Submarine Ruins Kohama Island Digest Kohama Island Digest The Mariudo Falls Water Buffaloes in Yufu Island Iriomote Island Digest The Colony of Sakishima-suonoki at Komi Kuro Island Digest Kuro Island Digest Hateruma Island Digest Hateruma Island Digest

To see movies on Okinawabbtv, your computer must meet
the following requirement: Windows Media Player 9 or later installed.

Windows Madia Player 9以上が必要となります

okinawaBBtv English version


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